About Us

MBJ electronics company is a Polish manufacturer of the apparatus designed for machine vibrations diagnostics. Since the beginning of our business activity in 1992 with a success we have been managing to satisfy the growing needs of the industry. Our goal is also to implement the state-of-the-art technology into our products, which in turns guarantees their high quality and reliability. At the same time we try to keep our products simple, functional and assure that they perform their tasks. In each case, apart from the measuring equipment, we offer our user the know-how necessary to take the full advantage of the equipment functionality.


Benefits and savings

MBJ electronics

arising from the application of vibration diagnostics on operation maintaining and repairs management:

  • Protection of important machines and equipment against failures as well as avoiding unexpected breakdowns.
  • Extending mean time between repairs (the repairs due to machine condition rather than operation time).
  • Secondary distraction elimination.
  • Reducing the scope if repairs, as well shortening repair time.